Bitcoin Network

Against all odds, the BITCOIN NETWORK has grown from an academic white paper into the most secure computing network in human history which both enables and protects the most advanced form of money ever discovered or invented: a revolutionary, decentralized, and apolitical global monetary system boasting a fixed-supply bearer asset within a secure, transparent, and immutable global public ledger: BITCOIN BLOCKCHAIN. With a market cap solid above the One Trillion USD milestone, the total addressable market of One Hundred Trillion is noteworthy. The number of BITCOIN WALLETS have continued to rise year-over-year for fifteen consecutive years outpacing the growth of the early Internet while BITCOIN EXCHANGES have had astronomical success worldwide.

BitcoinNetwork.COM *** BitcoinBlockchain.COM *** BitcoinWallets.COM *** BitcoinExchanges.COM

Bitcoin Domain Sales

Since Q1 of 1985, Premium dotCOM Domain Name Assets and Intellectual Property have been rapidly accelerating in importance and value, and now, gradually then suddenly, they are the indisputable bedrock of our digital and global economy. Internet Real Estate is the signal. Trusting, and relying on, third-party advertising platforms for traffic rental initiatives and revenue is the noise. It is also the corporate revenue trap and the global rat race. The only truly successful internal marketing initiative is one which enables your corporation to OWN and CONTROL your industry marketing channels via the global EMD dotCOM domain asset brands which drive free highly-targeted traffic, instant credibility, global respect, top line revenue, and provides a timeless, quantifiable competitive advantage.

To be frank, the analysis of our pristine, 2010-aged assets and the aquisition task at large is very unlikely to be within the education realm and earned skillset of your marketing manager, social media interns, or your ad agency: this strategic due dilligence is based on the exclusive intellectual huddle-up within your executive team in search of both vision and leadership, either a legendary seize-the-day-moment-in-time to propell your company forward on a global scale for decades to come, or perhaps,...the noteworthy misstep of your career. Best practices are still best practices regardless if you understand or follow them: Invest in exclusive assets and global IP.
For perpsective and clarity: We are the net-net beneficiary of every single online and offline advertising campaign and marketing initiaitve related to the Bitcoin Network in the entire world.

Global Exclusivity

Nothing on Planet Earth can be identified as more scarce than a ONE-OF-ONE edition.

Timeless Heirloom

On par with Egyptian Antiquities, Royal Gemstones, or Renessance Art.

Exponential Growth

Free, highly-targeted global organic traffic flow from search engines and direct-navigation.


Market Authority

The ultimate leadership role is industry-defining dotCOM domain asset ownership.

Topline Revenue

Ignoring 'category-killer' dotCOM domain names is indisputably ignoring growth.

1985 Bedrock

+ 35 year global best practices, elementary marketing 101, and common sense...


Exclusive. Digital. Treasure.

Numbers don't lie. Run the numbers.

324 Bitcoin Domain Assets













1. Educate Yourself

Premium dotCOM Domain Names are extraordinarly valuable and highly-sought after digital assets. This 35 year old global asset class is often misunderstood, frequently misrepresented, and typically underappreciated by both executives and investors. We invite you to review our Bitcoin + Domain Sales PDF. Page: 26-49.

2. Submit Bid

Upon recognizing the true value and unparalleled global opportunity to own and operate these pristine .COM digital assets from 2010 and 2011, submit your bid within the official auction framework or reach out directly to submit any questions.

3. Legal Agreement

Upon reciept of a winning bid, only as an authorized and confirmed winning bid, a legally binding Domain Name Purchase Agreement will be signed by Buyer, approved by our legal representation, and executed by Seller. A hard copy original will be scanned, emailed, and shipped next day PriorityMailExpress via USPS.

4. Asset Transfer

Domain Name Asset 'ownership transfers' will be processed via triple-security verfication as an 'Account Change' through and will be complete within 24 hours of escrow clearance. Payment is welcome via BTC on the Bitcoin Network. Funds considered settled after 10 block confirmations.

22 years of experience:

The Premium dotCOM Domain Name Industry; online marketplaces, private sales, and public auctions, are an exciting space with millions of U.S. Dollars changing hands each-and-every-month. Remember, the first Domain Name Registration dates back to March 1985 and as 1-of-1 digital assets, the valuations and sales prices of Premium dotCOM Domain Names have increased substaintially. Like any Asset Class, whether it be traditional commodities like Silver and Gold, or perhaps Aged Art, Fine Wine, Sports Cards, or Collector Cars, some owners are short-term speculator-day-traders and others are long-term developer-investors. Professional Domain Investors aka Pro Domain'ers are the original HODL'er's of provably-scarce, Digital Assets.


Ultra-Premium Domain Name
Assets & IP Education

Did you know "" was acquired for $35 Million USD in Cash and they use the ultra-premium domain name asset as a 301-redirect? "" flew fast for $30.18 Million in Cash and Stock, but currently tied up in a legal mess. Did these two fever-inducing sales have you feeling ill? Shopping for a new healthcare plan on the $8.133 Million USD "" domain name asset won't make you feel any better but at least you can pay your premium using one of your Credit Cards -- yes "" sold for $2.75 Million USD more than 17 years ago! Seem cheap? It was! Post development the business sold for $143.1 Million USD with a line item price for $26.5 Million for the premium domain name asset alone. Car Insurance is expensive these days, but not quite as expensive as the eye-watering "" business at $49.7 Million USD. Speaking of Insurance, landed a noteworthy line-item price tag of $5.9 Million. The domain name asset was acquired for $4 Million USD, but competition never sleeps! The plural version, domain name asset which sold a decade earlier for just $40,000 in a fire sale was later developed and resold for $120 Million USD!

What do these tech gurus, business moguls and billionaires know that you don't understand?!
Ultra-Premium dotCOM Domain Name Assets are the most valuable assets in our global economy.

Billionaire: Steve Forbes on Domains, 2007

steve forbes on domain names

Billionaire: Chris Dixon on Domains, 2014

steve forbes on domain names

Billionaire: Michael Saylor on Domains, 2020

steve forbes on domain names

Over the decades, since approximately March 1985, the mainstream media, as well as marketing and advertising agencies alike, by and large have failed to educate themselves to, accuratley reporting on, and capitalizing within the immense value, incredible opportunities, and global sales of Premium dotCOM Domain Name Assets. Unfortunately, a consistant flow of misinformation passed along by lazy and uneducated journalists and arm-chair-spectators has fueled an humorous and amatuer narrative that Domain Names are 'irrelevant' and Premium Domain Asset owners are by default, 'Cyber-Squatters'. The law has been crystal clear for decades and the reality is GENERIC, Ultra-Premium dotCOM Domain Names are highly-lucrative Digital Assets worth millions or even tens-of-millions of U.S. Dollars: The world's 'original', digitally-native, provably-scarce, censorship-resistant, globally traded, 24x7x365, Real-Time auditable, recognizable, verifibable, Multi-Billion Dollar, Global Asset Class. In our global and digital-first tech-driven economy, many missed, and continue to miss, the blantantly obvious.

Impression-based advertising, random tweet storms, press releases, email newsletters, and passing out glossy stickers or colorful brand-wrapped candy at industry conferences is NOT unique or savvy, is NOT effective or modern, and is NOT creating long-term value as a cutting-edge strategy -- it is quite literally executing the exact same blueprint as everyone else, circa 1995 - 2005. The very special "We already have a Domain" crowd have cost you and your company marketshare and millions of dollars in lost revenue. Domain Name & IP education are mission critical:

You either own exclusive EMD dotCOM Domain Name Assets and control your relevant industry global marketing channels or you don't. If you do not, you are being third-party pimped by marketing firms, ad agencies, social media platforms, and legacy advertising companies which rent you short-term exposure and traffic while simulataneously holding your content hostage. Your business activities are subject to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and you can censored, suspended, or permenantly cancelled from third-party platforms. "If promoting your brand and company involves consistantly promoting someone else's brand and company you are the victim and the product of their company whether you realize it or not." The most modern, savvy, efficient, and effective vehicle for local and global customer acquisiton, marketplace leadership, increased revenue, long-term quanitfiable and sustainable growth is through Premium dotCOM Domain Name Asset ownership and development. Disagreeing is completely free, but numbers don't lie: You are loosing invaluable traffic and revenue every-single-day.

Most of the +370 Million Domain Names worlwide are completely worthless. That said, approximately 10% of the global supply of dotCOM Domain Names are 'Premium' or 'Ultra-Premium' Domain Name 'Assets' and are considered globally EXCLUSIVE, timelessly INTUITIVE, Instantly MEMORABLE, and typically, DEFINITIVELY REPRESENT entire business categories, specific geographical destinations, or popular global industries which have considerable consumer interest and monetizable commerical value. These types of highly sought after Premium dotCOM 'Domain Names' are very rare 'Digital Assets' and have a 'built-in' or default RESPECT, instantaneous TRUST, and global AUTHORITY from web surfers and competitors alike which provide their owner with free, highly-targeted traffic through direct-navigation, higher-recall in search, content-or-paid marketing and traditional advertising, as well as a boost in SEO, leading to more targeted traffic, increased visability, conversions, market share, revenue, and company valuation on a global stage -- a quantifiable and timeless competitive advantage. Assets matter.

When you own 'Category-Killer' Premium dotCOM Domain Name Assets you effectively own the global marketing channel and the industry on the Internet. Premium dotCOM Domain Assets are 'Commercial Manhattan Skyscrappers' and 'Exotic Caribbean Islands' in native digital format with a $8.49 annual renewal tax instead of six-figures and require no maintaince whatsoever: Internet Real Estate. Premium dotCOM Domains are your permanent ONE-OF-ONE EDITION 'Ownership' and global, real-time 'Forever Address' in cyber-space which is accessible to every human on Earth which can be leveraged for immediate development and monetization, 301/302-redirect to a corporate brand or specific product/service pages, to enhance marketing collateral, for parallel call-to-action campaigns and independent analytics, valuation boosts, attracting new capital, or simply as an agressive and savvy defensive strategy to save 'for a rainy day' while keeping the competition at bay in the meanwhile. These facts are now approaching 30 year global best practices and elementary marketing 101 yet still very few understand.

It is impossible to purchase a $1M traditional residential or commercial real estate asset and turn it into a $10M or $100M or $1 BILLION dollar exit -- but you can absolutely accomplish this with digital assets, Internet Real Estate. And all for just $8.49 per year renewal with zero property insurance, zero property taxes, and zero natural disaster, global pandemic, or otherwise unnoted yet directly relevant risk factors which exist with physical real estate or alternative asset classes. Although niche, per se, dotCOM Domain Names have been winning the ROI field test for decades without much mainstream limelight or fanfare.

Decades ago, Domain Names were complete free to register on a first-come-first-serve basis. As the Internet evolved, Premium dotCOM Domain Names began slowly and quietly selling to new owners for ($100 - $999) three figures, ($1,000 - $9,999) four figures, and eventually ($10,000 - $99,999) five-figures in the organically maturing Domain Name 'aftermarket' in private sales, on public online forums, and through live-video streaming delivered by professional acutioneers. Early on, news of an ocassional ($100,000 - $999,999) 'six-figure' dotCOM Domain Name Sale would be so 'unbelievable' many in fact did not believe them and simply ignored the industry.

The vast majority of corporations and individual investors worldwide refused to educate themselves and their teams for decades on the undeniable power and commercialization of the 'net and the unparalelled opportunities of a digtial-first global economy whereby digital BRANDING, digital TRAFFIC, digital ASSETS and subsequent digital INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY were 'King of The Hill' and were of mission-critical importance, to EVERYONE. Fast forward into 2021 and we have very frequent ($100,000 - $999,999) six-figure sales, rapidly increasing ($1,000,000 - $9,999,999) seven-figure sales, and now even numerous ($10,000,000 - $99,999,999) 'EIGHT FIGURE' Premium dotCOM Domain Name Asset Sales are a verified and documented reality.

You may find many Domain Name Registrars, independent Domain Name Brokers, and random domain name websites online which sell (or provide free) 'Apprasial Services' to curious Domain Name newbies for traffic or revenue.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN AUTOMATED 'DOMAIN NAME APPRAISAL'. You may have noticed something like, 'Suggested Marketplace Price' or 'Suggested Value' or 'Official Value Range' for Premium dotCOM Domain Name Assets: They are all completely toxic, completely invalid, completely useless, and laughably-irresponsible. HONEST Domain Name Experts will agree.

The 'true value' and eventual 'sales price' of Premium Domain Name Assets are NOT one in the same. Every single Domain Name Asset is very unique and every single owner has very different circumstances. Value is subjective therefore potential buyers must have patience, humilty, and invest time learning about this market. Before anything, the 'value equation' fundamentally begins with good 'ole fashion 'Supply-and-Demand' coupled with public and verified historical sales as important reference. Like with any asset class, market variables and personal circumstances play a key role, and of course the sector-specific knowledge and negotiating experience are a huge factor.

Diving deeper, there are a variety of dynamic and complex metrics which some buyers and sellers use to evaluate their asset inventory or potential acquisition targets: Short and long-term use cases, potential number of advertisers, partners, licensee's, or end-users, domain market and macro timing, as well as industry-specific competition, vertical, sector growth and TAM, local and global traffic metrics, higher-recall and conversion potential, reduced advertising expenses, valuation boosts, M&A potential, tax-incentive selling or buying, and more to evaluate the opportunity cost and long-term, tax-deductible value proposition. At the end of the day, if the owner of a highly-prized Premium dotCOM Domain Name Asset isn't motivated to sell, the only recourse is to raise your offer.

During the past decade it has become increasingly popular for both private and public corporations, as well as stealth-mode startups and private Domain Name investors, to include and execute a 'Non-Disclosure Agreement' to accompany their 'Domain Name Purchase Agreement' documentation therefore most Premium dotCOM Domain Name Sales never get reported to the media or bloggers directly, but later become 'public knowledge' through post-sale SEC Filings, venture funding decks, mergers and acquisitoins news, or perhaps expiration of the original agreement's N.D.A. terms.

Many companies often choose to strategically announce (and sometimes heavily promote) the acquisiton news of a 'rare-gem' Premium dotCOM Domain Name Asset to the public and their global audience but not leak the exact price point or any specific details in order to benefit from the massive wave of free advertising exposure through news and social media cycles which can often be in the range of six, or even seven-figures, in value to the company. Acquiring Premium dotCOM Domain Name Assets is a direct and massive signal to competitors and the marketplace at large; we are SAVVY, KNOWLEDGABLE, AGRESSIVE, PROACTIVE, AND SERIOUS as LEADERS in taking steps to serve more customers or clients and carve out more marketshare by owning impactful and timeless Digital Assets which represent our industry worldwide. Once they're sold to a competitor, to quote a famous Premium Domain Name Broker, they're officially, "Off The Market Forever".

That said, many choose to work with a dotCOM Domain Name Expert on their acquisition to help save time, energy, and while not gauranteed, potentially money. The number one reason companies seek out a top Domain Name Broker is because they insist on being represented to shelter their identity and to allow an expert to navigate the negotiation and transfer process on their behalf. Keep in mind, Premium Domain Name Brokers typically charge in between 10% - 20% depending on the brokerage, agent, or platform and depending on the price point of the Domain Name: Sometimes, with higher-end sales the commission can be negotiated upfront. In a recent trend, some Domain Name Registrars and Brokers are charging a 'flat-rate fee' to become a client: $50 - $500 in advance, plus commission.

If you're unfamiliar with the Domain Name industry at large or lack a deep understanding of Domain Asset values, savvy negotiation strategies, and the sometimes complicated transfer process, it is probably best to seek professional guidance from a true industry expert. As with any industry, do your homework. Be mindful that Domain Name Brokers 'eat what they kill' and can, sometimes anyway, maneveur like dirty old car salesmen and may not have your best interest in mind. Be diligent in reviewing legal documentation and their references. In our experience, many Domain Brokers are simply Domain Name 'Order Takers' who may not have ever owned, developed, acquired, or sold any significant Premium Domain Names themselves. ASK FOR HISTORICAL SALES, CURRENT BROKERAGE INVENTORY, AND PERHAPS EVEN THEIR OWN EXPERIENCE OUTSIDE OF REPRESENTING DOMAIN NAME BUYERS OR SELLERS. In our humble opinion, there are only a dozen or so individuals worldwide who have the global experience and true industry expertise to identify, analyze, appraise, represent, and successfully execute within this arena.

It's not always common knowledge or completely obvious but facts are facts and numbers don't lie: Some of the largest corporations in the United States of America - and in all major developed nations around the world - strategically aquire very valuable and very powerful Premium Domain Names to increase traffic, revenue, and to carve out marketshare all while defending their turf and stopping competitors from developing on highly-desirable Internet Real Estate. Value. Assets. Growth. Leadership. Here are 50 random examples of savvy brands:

Dell™ =
PetSmart™ =
Xerox™ =
Godaddy™ =
Walgreens™ =
Zillow™ =
Gillette™ =
1800Contacts™ =
AT&T™ =
Procter&Gamble™ =
NorthwesternMutual™ =
Expedia™ =
Skippy™ =
Travelers™ =
KraftHeinz™ =
EliLilly™ =
MensWarehouse™ =
AvisBudget™ =
Novartis™ =
Hanes™ =
MerckSerono™ =
Rubbermaid™ =
Dryers™ =
MerriamWebster™ =
ChickFilA™ =
Enterprise™ =
RaisingCanes™ =
Bahlsen™ =
AstraZeneca™ =
Bubbalous™ =
BottomLine™ =
Mondelez™ =
H&RBlock™ =
DicksSportingGoods™ =
AnheuserBusch™ =
Philips™ =
IconMeals™ =
CitiBank™ =
EndangeredSpecies™ =
AbbottLabs™ =
TheMotleyFool™ =
SherwinWilliams™ =
VailResorts™ =
DiscoverFinancial™ =
ConairCorp™ =
Bridgestone™ =
F-Secure™ =
WhirlPool™ =
NaturesOne™ =
Wyndham™ =
Boeing™ =
OfficeDepot™ =

Premium dotCOM Domain Names, aside from Bitcoin (BTC) of course, have grown in value faster than any asset class on Planet Earth and remain the most misunderstood and misrepresented asset class in the global technology and financial markets. Bitcoin Domain Sales around the world are estimated to be $50 Million - $100 Million at this point, but as network effects take over and the global financial technology revolution slowly spreads into every corner of the globe across all imaginery borders, many will comprehend the importance of the miracle invention of decentralized digital sound money and subsequently, there will remain only one true and time-tested priceless common denominator to capture: Exact-match, inutitive, memorable, category-and-industry-defining, Premium dotCOM Domain Name Assets realted to the 'Bitcoin Network' and 'Bitcoin Blockchain' and 'Bitcoin Wallets' and 'Bitcoin Exchanges' will become even more targeted, rare, sought after, valuable, and subsequently, will eventually be even more costly to those seeking to acquire.

The Most Expensive
Domain Name Sales
of All Time Master List:

Bitcoin + Domain Sales PDF

Our Bitcoin + Domain Sales PDF is a complimentary educational resource to provide data driven guidance to help frame the conversation surrounding Premium dotCOM Domain Name Assets and their true market value ranges. Some very large sales are cash deals for an 'undeveloped domain name' without any content whatsoever while others are structured as a 'Lease-to-Own' or 'Licensing Agreement' with a FROR Aquisition Option. Other sales, both private and private, may include a Premium Domain Name Asset, custom landing page, developed e-commerce store, social media accounts, service or trademarks, copyrights, or even the entire business built on the Premium Domain Name Asset. A true global trend has been forming over the last two decades: Premium .COM Domain Asset sells for USD $500,000 then changes hands with some development for USD $5 Million. Then a few years later a large, experienced, and well-capitalized group takes the asset to $50 Million - $5 Billion. Exclusivity always wins.

bitcoin bull run

Ultra-Premium Bitcoin Domain Assets

"If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry." - Satoshi

bitcoin network - google trends


Registration: 2010

Renewal: 2030

bitcoin blockchain - google trends


Registration: 2011

Renewal: 2030

bitcoin wallets - google trends


Registration: 2011

Renewal: 2030

bitcoin exchanges - google trends


Registration: 2011

Renewal: 2030


First, review the PDF.

Premium Domains // Sales Comps

#1 Bitcoin Assets Portfolio Worldwide

324 Bitcoin Domain Assets

"The sale of a portfolio such as this is unprecedented in this industry. One forward-looking company or investor is going to have an incredibly unique lock on some of the industry's most important terms and keywords. The value of something like BitcoinNetwork.COM is only going UP -- it is a 7 figure asset."

Andrew Rosener, CEO
#1 Premium Domain Broker
in the World '19, '20, '21

"This is a methodically curated global portfolio of cryptocurrency domain names that would give any acquirer an immediate and quantifiable advantage over the competition. Domains like BitcoinNetwork.COM, BitcoinBlockchain.COM, BitcoinWallets.COM, and BitcoinExchanges.COM convey global authority and credibility. This portfolio is easily worth seven figures to the right buyer, and, developed properly, it will pay for itself."

Ammar Kubba, CEO

"I feel very strongly that this portfolio is an extremely unique opportunity. I think several of the domains within this portfolio are capable of securing bids in the millions alone from the right buyer. Any serious business looking to quickly make a mark within this increasingly competitive space would be a fool not to recognize and secure this one-of-a-kind asset portfolio. It's a rounding error level investment on the books that cements your authority and pays you back forever. "

Randall R., VP of Digital, [Public Co., Redacted] +30 Year Investor

"I've been studying domain names since 1994 and spent nearly two decades buying and developing highly-exclusive .COM assets in the tune of million of dollars in revenue and eight figure valuations. I can tell you from experience and with certainty that this portfolio is extremely rare and worth millions [+$5M] to the right buyer that can convert the traffic or build a new business. It's just unbelievable this was built out so many years before the rest of world had any clue what was going on with Bitcoin! Another visionary entrepreneurship at its finest, the early bird got the worms!"

Skip Hoagland, Founder/Entrepreneur, +28 Year Investor








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Bitcoin Domain Sales ™ ™




Greenberg & Lieberman, LLC